Piano moving charges vary from company to company, but there are several basic questions which everyone will ask in order to quote you a moving price. It is a good idea to have this information at hand when you request a quote.
1) What kind of piano do you have?
- You need to know if you are moving an upright piano or a grand piano.
- If you need an upright piano moved, measure how tall it is. These pianos have a straight back and typically sit against a wall.
- If you need a grand piano moved, measure the piano from the keyboard back to the longest part of the piano to get the size.
2) What city is the piano located in right now and what city do you want it moved to?
- This information is helpful to know before you call your Utah movers. If you want a quote to move the piano w ithin your home, you still need to provide the city where it is located.
3) How many steps does the piano need to go up or down at each location?
- It is best to count the exact number of steps at the loading address and the delivery address. If you have more than one set of steps at each address, count how many steps are in each set. This information will ensure a more accurate bid.
4) Does the piano have to go around any tight corners?
- Consider corners when you are evaluating how the piano will be moved. A tight corner or a wall at the bottom of a staircase may influence if the piano will need to be tipped on its end to get into a room. On rare occasions, casters and piano lids will need to come off if there is a really tight fit.
5) Does the piano need to go across grass or dirt at either the loading or delivery address?
- Sometimes if a piano is going out a back door and through a yard, it will need to go across grass or dirt. This information is important to know since your movers will need to lay down plywood to take a dolly which has the piano on it across a smooth surface.
- If there is snow, be sure you shovel a path prior to the mover’s arrival so that they can lay down plywood on grass and not snow.
If you are buying a piano from someone else, check out these simple questions when you inspect the piano for purchase. Having basic information about what will be required to get your piano moved will result in an accurate moving quote so that you and your Utah moving company are well prepared come moving day!